Michael Jackson - The Humanitarian: Emotional Michael Jackson

Emotional Michael Jackson

After watching the childhood videos of Michael Jackson, I found that he was equally emotional towards his family as we could be. Michael Jackson was away from his childhood enjoyment because he was made busy with singing.

But as he grew up, he realized that he too had lost his childhood like many of us do and then we think about how to get it back. Whatever we lost or could not get in our life, we try to get it back. Michael Jackson was mostly found in between children. He wanted to get back his childhood or atleast feel it.

Many misused his goodness, his pain for his missing childhood and his richness. Moreover, Michael Jackson seemed to have a good heart enough as compared to his status and his richness. All that he tried to do it to keep his children away from the limelight and that was quite obvious.

People made unwanted issues about it, but all his videos depict that he was a normal child and wanted to be a normal father like anyone else.