Michael Jackson - The Humanitarian: Michael Jackson Loved Children

Michael Jackson Loved Children

Image Credit: michaeljacksonforever.cz

Michael Jackson's life story is full of his love for children. It is good though the fact is that he was also condemned greatly for the same. I thought all the time that it wasn't a sin, it wasn't a mistake, then, why would it happen, that his love for children brought him a sort of shame.

Michael Jackson was loved by many worldwide. His songs were filled with touch for humanity. His love for children showed some innocence in him. Many felt close to Michael Jackson because he loved children. He also behaved like a child and would feel happy with them. Many Michael Jackson videos show that his childhood was a sort of bitter. His love for children was a sort of compensation for what he lost in his childhood.

Playing with children was great fun for him. He would feel relaxed and would not need to regret anymore about his lost childhood. He had a whole world of wonderland for children in his 'Neverland Valley Ranch' house. He wanted to see his childhood come alive.

Michael Jackson lost his childhood in the race of music, concerts and work. All that he wanted was to get it back without any regret.